Schlagwort-Archive: Network

Explore the world of permaculture- Ein Ausflug in die Welt der Permakultur


In the realms of urban- and guerilla gardening and a growing number of advcocates of a solidary agriculture acting by bio-dynamic priciples, there is another trend on the rise. Recurrent, but not new, permaculture is gaining increasingly more supporters. Most of them exchaning via Internet just like many other movements do. In fact, what is new is the platform or the network featuring all these projects and the people around them. Dubbed, permacultureglobal  it was initiated by the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia (PRI) . Intended as a database for projects and a place for reciprocal learning and friendship- making concerning permaculture, more than 1300 people are now exchaning on the platform- documenting and celebrating their projects and progress.

On the basis of Google Maps it is possible to find thousands of projects in every single corner of the world covering the issue of permaculture.

Guibi Zako lives near Mimasaka in the prefecture Okayama, Japan. „To the amusement of his neighbours“ as he says, he is trying to establish a forest garden on an „overworked and abandoned“ acre. On the edge of Okayama’s Chugoku mountain rabge, Zako is trying to put that piece of land back into balance with nature. By this he hopes to be an inspiration to others and moreover he wants to demonstrate that a sustainable way of agriculture and living with nature is possible. Begun in 2010, he already planted more than 50 trees, bushes and shrubs- and ther is more to come. The construction of a yurt as well as a deer and wild boar safe fence and a vegetable garden are in the pipeline-that is they are already underway. Lies den Rest dieses Beitrags